Friday, August 2, 2013

Today we reviewed the syllabus and the class expectations. We took a quiz over the syllabus and everything we talked about on Thursday. If you were not in class today then complete the quiz and turn it in.

Classroom Expectations and Syllabus Quiz
Mr. Summers
English IV

* Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1.   In your own words, tell me how you are expected to act in class.

2.   Explain what plagiarism is.

3.   What procedure must you follow if you turn in a late assignment?

4.   How can you find out what you missed if you were absent or if you just simply forget?

5.   How can you be successful in this class?

  The second thing we did in class was a writing prompt that I am going to use to assess your writing abilities. Be creative in your letter and feel free to use your imagination. 

“Letter to Myself”

You are to write a letter to yourself that would be opened 10 years from now at your high school reunion. Please write the best you can and consider grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. while composing the letter. The letter should include some of the following information. Also, feel free to add whatever you may think is relevant.

·        You could talk about your friends.
·        Explain what high school is like. Maybe tell yourself what you will miss or things you cannot wait to be done with.
·        Talk about your car/truck.
·        Write down your future goals and plans and explain how you plan to accomplish them.
·        Write about your high school accomplishments.
·        Simply think about what you would want to tell or remind your 28 year old self about and write it down.

The Parent/Guardian letter needs to be signed and turned in by Monday August 5, 2013.


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