Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

  • You are writing a one page paper that will be submitted via Google Docs by Wednesday January 28th.
  • You are handwriting a rough draft today.
  • On Wednesday you will type it up on Google Docs and continue to work on your outline.
  • Your outline is due Friday January 30th.
  •  Here is the research reflection handout.

Research Reflection Paper
English IV
·       Write a one page reflection paper explaining your research.
·       How did your research go?
o   Good things
o   Issues/Problems you had doing your research.
§  Trouble finding information?
§  Found too much information.
·       How did the research affect your thoughts on your topic/thesis?
o   Did it confirm your thoughts?
o   Did it change your thoughts?
·       How are you going to use the research?
o   What are you going to write about?
o   How are you going to use the research?
·       How could you improve your research?
o   What will you do different next time?
o   What worked really well?

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