Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

  • Today we voted for class favorites for the year book.
  • Made sure resumes and cover letters were turned in.
  • We played Jeopardy to review everything we have done so far. The winning group received extra credit.

Have a great Thanksgiving break!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today is the same as yesterday. Make sure you are working!!
  • There is no writing prompt this today. We will not have any this week. 
  • You need to start typing your resume and cover letter. You will be using templates on  Microsoft Word to create both documents.
    1. Open Word
    2. Click File
    3. Click New
    4. Click on Resumes & CV's (Bottom row in the middle)
    5. Take some time and pick out the resume template that will work best for you and what you want to achieve. 
    6. When you are done for the day save the document on the computer in "Documents Library".
    7. Open your Google Drive.
    8. Click on the "Upload" button (usually right next to the create button)
    9. Click "Upload File"
    10. Click on the document you just saved on the computer. It will upload onto your Google Drive.
  •  For the cover letter you will do the same process except you will click on "Letters" and then "Cover Letters" in step #4.
  • Both documents are due by Friday November 21st. They MUST be printed out, stapled together with the cover letter on top, and handed in.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today is the same as yesterday. Make sure you are working!!
  • There is no writing prompt this today. We will not have any this week. 
  • You need to start typing your resume and cover letter. You will be using templates on  Microsoft Word to create both documents.
    1. Open Word
    2. Click File
    3. Click New
    4. Click on Resumes & CV's (Bottom row in the middle)
    5. Take some time and pick out the resume template that will work best for you and what you want to achieve. 
    6. When you are done for the day save the document on the computer in "Documents Library".
    7. Open your Google Drive.
    8. Click on the "Upload" button (usually right next to the create button)
    9. Click "Upload File"
    10. Click on the document you just saved on the computer. It will upload onto your Google Drive.
  •  For the cover letter you will do the same process except you will click on "Letters" and then "Cover Letters" in step #4.
  • Both documents are due by Friday November 21st. They MUST be printed out, stapled together with the cover letter on top, and handed in.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

  • There is no writing prompt this today. We will not have any this week. 
  • You need to start typing your resume and cover letter. You will be using templates on  Microsoft Word to create both documents.
    1. Open Word
    2. Click File
    3. Click New
    4. Click on Resumes & CV's (Bottom row in the middle)
    5. Take some time and pick out the resume template that will work best for you and what you want to achieve. 
    6. When you are done for the day save the document on the computer in "Documents Library".
    7. Open your Google Drive.
    8. Click on the "Upload" button (usually right next to the create button)
    9. Click "Upload File"
    10. Click on the document you just saved on the computer. It will upload onto your Google Drive.
  •  For the cover letter you will do the same process except you will click on "Letters" and then "Cover Letters" in step #4.
  • Both documents are due by Friday November 21st. They MUST be printed out, stapled together with the cover letter on top, and handed in.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Snow Day!! NO school today.
Friday, November 14, 2014

  • No writing prompt today.
  • Continue working on your resume and cover letter rough draft.
  • We will finish working on them on Monday and start typing them next week.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Be descriptive with the story, especially with how the astronaut feels and what he is going to do.

  • Today I introduced cover letters OR letters of intent. Take a look at Steps to Creating a Cover Letter to see what should be included. 
  • You need to create a cover letter for a job that you could apply for as a part time worker while you are going to school. It really does not matter what the job is. What is important is what you include in your cover letter to sell yourself and get the potential employer to look at your resume and contact you for an interview. 
  • At the end of class tomorrow you will need to turn in your rough draft for the cover letter. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Remember for today's prompt you must explain your answer!
  Today we finished brainstorming ideas for your own resume.
  • Hand write a rough draft of your resume. Remember you need to think about how you want to lay it out as well as how you are going to word it. Your word choice is just as important in this as it is in writing a research paper or a fictional story. 
  • You need to turn in your rough draft with your brainstorming page stapled to it at the end of class today.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This is an image of a U.S. Army medic during the March 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. Tell the story leading up to this picture, what happens after the picture, or a little of both. Be descriptive and think about word choice.
We looked at some examples of resumes. There are literally thousands of good examples available online. 
We discussed the differences between chronological and functional resumes and the idea that most really good resumes include a little of both types.
We began brainstorming ideas for your own resume using the My Resume Ideas Handout.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 19, 2014

Today's writing prompt. Remember your word choice, be descriptive!!

  • We discussed the purpose of a resume and what it should look like. 
  • Resumes should have the 3 F's: Form, Function, and Effectiveness:
  1. Function: The function of a resume is to inform the audience about you in order to accomplish something. What you’re trying to accomplish depends on what you’re trying to do. This might include getting a job, getting into college, winning a scholarship, or being selected for an internship. There are many reasons to show people your resume.
  2. Form: Resumes need to look a certain way. This is considered their form. People who read resumes expect them to include specific information, such as your name, address, contact information, education, past jobs, volunteer experience, and special skills. If a resume does not look like a traditional resume, the reader may be confused and think the writer is not educated about writing proper resumes.
  3. (e)Ffectiveness: For a resume to be effective, it must demonstrate your knowledge of both function and form. An effective resume

    - Has a clear purpose that shows why you are writing it

    - Is visually appropriate and appealing, or easy to read

    - Includes all the necessary information about the writer

    - Is grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

  • No writing prompt today. 

  • Today you need to share your Beowulf research paper with a partner so they can do a peer edit. When you are looking at your partner's paper make sure you:
  • check the layout of the paper and make sure it is formatted correctly according to MLA standards
  • check the content for correctness (make sure their information about the story is right)
  • make sure it is in logical order and flows properly
  • check the in-text citations (make sure they make sense and are done properly)
  • check for proper grammar and mechanics (spelling, verb tense, punctuation, etc.)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Describe in great detail the perfect teacher. 

  • Your research paper rough draft MUST be done by class tomorrow. We will be doing a peer edit on Google Docs with one of your classmates. 
  • Remember the final paper is due Friday at Midnight November 7th.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Be creative with this prompt! You can tell a story about the princess that includes some descriptions of her, replace a traditional Disney princess with the villain, describe her in great detail, or ........

 We continued working on the Beowulf research paper. You need to have the rough draft completed by Thursday when you come to class. We will be doing a peer edit that day. 

Remember the paper is due by midnight Friday November 7th.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Be creative!! Come up with a story to explain this picture.

  • You need to continue working on your Beowulf research paper. The paper should be complete by Thursday so that you can edit your paper prior to writing your final draft on Friday.
  • Remember the final paper is due Friday November 7th by midnight. If the last edit time stamp on the shared document is after midnight it will be considered late. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS UNLESS APPROVED BY MR. SUMMERS FIRST.
  • The outline was due last Friday and you should have shared your paper with me by last Friday too in order to show that you were working last week.