Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

Today's writing prompt:

The vocabulary and questions for "The Bet" were due today.
We had a short discussion about "The Bet" and capital punishment.
Then we had a writing assignment as follows:

“The Bet”
Writing Assignment

In “The Bet” the banker and lawyer are having a debate over whether or not capital punishment is an appropriate form of punishment.
What do you think?
Should we have capital punishment?
Why or why not?
Write a one page persuasive essay stating your opinion and support you position with details.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

For today's writing prompt you can either write the story from a first person point of view or like a newspaper article.

  •  Finish reading "The Bet".
  • Answer questions 1-7 & 9 on page 973. Make sure you use complete sentences.
Thursday, March 27, 2014

For today's writing prompt create a vivid story, remember details!

  •  Then we read "The Bet" by Anton Chekov in our textbook, pages 967-972. 
  • Answer questions 1-7 & 9 on page 973. You must use complete sentences in your responses.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today's writing prompt: Give explicit details of why your book should be "the one" book everyone should read.
  •  We read the short biography of Anton Chekov on page 965 in our textbook an discussed the time period in which the story "The Bet" was written.
  • Then we did some vocabulary words that are in the story. Rewrite the sentences changing the Underlined words to words that you would normally use and that make sense. The sentences can be completely rearranged if needed.

1.   Tell about a time when you acted out of caprice, shopped indiscriminately, and bought something frivolous.

2.   Should all speed limits be compulsory and zealously monitored?

3.   Which current rules or practices do you hope posterity will renounce?

4.   Name something that is ethereal but not illusory

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today's writing prompt: Remember that you need to be as descriptive as possible. Think about word choice and adjectives.

 Then we watched the satire videos, discussed them, and critiqued them using the  Mock Satire Rubric.
Monday, March 24, 2014

Today's writing prompt:
  •  We made sure everybody remembered what we had been doing before the break with the satire videos.
  • We  spent the rest of the class period completing the videos and uploading them to Mr. Summers' YouTube account.
  • We will watch all the videos tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

  • Filming satire video.
  • The video is going to be due at the end of class on Monday the 24th after Spring Break.
Tuesday, March 10,2014

  • Today we worked on filming our satire video.
  • The video will be due on the Monday after we return from Spring Break.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

  • Today we went over what everyone got done on their videos last week. 
  • We worked on our videos, making sure that we had an ouline and script written. You MUST have a written plan before you start filming. 
  • Once your plan is approved by me you can begin filming your piece. 
  • We will film tomorrow and Wednesday in class. If you need more time than that you will have to work at home.
  • The video is due Thursday. We will watch them in class.
Thursday & Friday, March 6 & 7, 2014

  • I was gone for a powerlifting tournament both days. 
  • We worked on brainstorming and planning for the satirical videos that are due next week. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

  • We had a lot of students missing because of the Cameron trip and the chior competition so we did not have a writing prompt. 
  • We watched a couple of examples of student satire projects on YouTube.
  • We spent the class working on the satire projects. The final video is going to be due next Wednesday the 12th. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

  • Writing Prompt: Try to be creative, you essentially have free reign here to make up your own interesting story. Keep it school appropriate.

  • We went over the graded research papers.
  • We went over satire again to make sure everyone understands what it is before you begin actually working on your mock interview project. I want to make sure everyone understands your video has to be about a real event, person, or group. 
  • Satire: A way of using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc. : Humor that shows the weakness or bad qualities of a government, society, etc.
  • We spent the remainder of the class brainstorming and coming up with ideas for your projects.

Monday, March 3, 2014

No School today: Snow Day!