Friday, December 20, 2013
Semester test.
Have a great Christmas vacation!!!
Here you will find what we did in class, homework assignments, help on projects, etc.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Today we had 30 minute classes due to the half day of school and we voted for class favorites.
Today we had 30 minute classes due to the half day of school and we voted for class favorites.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The writing prompt for today:
The writing prompt for today:
- We got in our decade groups for the American Dream Project and shared our interviews.
- Each person read their interview paper to the group. Group members should listen, take notes, and ask questions.
- Discuss the similarities and differences in the interviews.
- What kind of conclusions do you come up with? You can all have different answers.
- Write a one page repsonse explaining what you found in your groups and why.
- Turn in your two page interview paper and your one page reflections paper from today.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Writing prompt for today.
Writing prompt for today.
- I gave you time in class to finish writing your two page response to your interview. It has to be done when you come to class tomorrow so we can have our group discussions about your decade.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Writing prompt for today:
What do you do with them?
Writing prompt for today:
What do you do with them?
- We went over the American Dream project.
- We looked at some sample interview questions.
- We came up with some of our own questions and discussed ways to conduct an interview and the importance of using follow up questions. Do not just read off the 8 questions.
- The interview and two page paper are due Monday, December 16th.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Today's writing prompt:
Today's writing prompt:
- We discussed the Steinbeck piece, "Paradox and Dreams".
- Students handed in their writing response to the article.
- In groups of three each student read one of the following articles:
- Explain to your group members what your article was about. Discuss the three articles looking for a common theme, similarities, and differences.
- Write a short response telling me what the overall theme of the articles is. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? And tell me your opinion of the articles.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Writing prompt for today:
Writing prompt for today:
How did you spend the snow days?
Did you do anything significant?
Did anything interesting happen? Explain and describe.
- We revisited what the idea of the American Dream is.
- On your own you need to read John Steinbeck's "Paradox and Dreams".
- You need to write a one page response to this article. You need to give your opinion and thoughts about the piece. Do you relate to it? Is it still relevant (the piece was written in 1966). Do you agree or disagree with what Steinbeck says?
- The written response is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.
- For homework you need to read the Times article: Keeping the Dream Alive. Be prepared to discuss both articles in class tomorrow.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Today we finished the movie and had a class discussion over the differences/similarities between the movie and the book.
Today we finished the movie and had a class discussion over the differences/similarities between the movie and the book.
Wednesday, December4, 2013
We watched the "Death of a Salesman".
We watched the "Death of a Salesman".
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Today we started watching the movie "Death of a Salesman". We are discussing the movie at the end of each class period. Focus on comparing and contrasting the movie with the book.
Today we started watching the movie "Death of a Salesman". We are discussing the movie at the end of each class period. Focus on comparing and contrasting the movie with the book.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Today we were in the computer lab with the counselor going over a website that is beneficial if you are taking the ACT, ASVAB, CLEP tests, ect. It is also a useful place to explore and compare various careers.
Today we were in the computer lab with the counselor going over a website that is beneficial if you are taking the ACT, ASVAB, CLEP tests, ect. It is also a useful place to explore and compare various careers.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
- Take the "Death of a Salesman" test.
- Make sure you are not missing any work.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
- Finish all of the study guide questions.
- Review the book by playing Jeopardy to prepare for the test tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
- Finish the vocabulary for the 5th reading.
- Finish reading the book.
- Answer study guide questions #8-22.
- Discuss the book, the theme, and the study guide.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
- Finished answering the Act II study guide questions #'s 8-22.
- Complete the vocabulary for part 5.
- sensuous
- imitated
- striviing
- overempahsize
- anziously
- ominously
- implacably
- contemputous
- We read pages 116-127.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
- We reviewed where we left off in the book.
- Then we listened and followed along to an audio version of the book. We read pages 90-116.
- Answer questions #8-22 on the Act II study guide.
Friday, November 15, 2013
- We reviewed the first seven questions of the Act II study guide.
- We played Jeopardy to review Act I questions and vocabulary.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
- We finished reading up to page 90 where Willy is going to see Charley.
- We completed the study guide questions #1-7.
- Complete the fourth vocabulary handout.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
- Today we completed the vocabulary handout for the third reading assignment.
- We previewed the study guide questions for Act II (#1-#7).
- We began reading Act II.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
- We finished reading Act I today.
- The study guide questions for Act I need to be completed today. They are due at the beginning of class tomorrow.
Monday, November 11, 2013
- Today we read from page 37 to 61 in the "Death of a Salesman".
- We discussed the book as we were reading.
- Tomorrow we will finish Act I and complete the study guide questions for Act I.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
- Make sure you explain "why" in your response. You have to support your answer.
- We finished discussing the first 15 study guide questions.
- We did the vocabulary work for the next second we are going to be reading on Monday.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
- Finish reading up to page 37.
- Complete #1-15 on the study guide for Act I.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Today's writing prompt: Start the story before he actually goes over the waterfall. How did he end up here?
Today's writing prompt: Start the story before he actually goes over the waterfall. How did he end up here?
- We read pgs. 11-27 in Death of a Salesman today.
- Make sure you look at questions 1-15 on the study guide before we read so that you know what information you should be looking for as you read.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Today's writing prompt.
Today's writing prompt.
- We discussed our responses to the sentence starters we completed yesterday.
- I introduced the vocabulary for the first part of the book we will be reading tomorrow.
- mercurial
- sentiment
- agitation
- idealist
- avidly
- enthralled
- insinuates
- incipient
- There is a handout for the vocabulary that you need to complete and turn in.
- At the end of class we discussed the characters we will meet in the book tomorrow.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Writing prompt today:
Writing prompt today:
- Introduced the "Death of a Salesman" including background information about the author and the theme of the book.
- We talked about what "the American Dream" is and what it means to you individually.
- We completed a free write that included 12 sentence starters. (I will post this handout as soon as I get it scanned into my computer.)
Friday, November 1, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Today we finished typing up your cover letter and resume. Both need to be emailed to me as if you were submitting them to a potential employer.
You also need to turn in your JOB Project rubric, resume rough draft, cover letter rough draft, and high school transcript all stapled together.
Today we finished typing up your cover letter and resume. Both need to be emailed to me as if you were submitting them to a potential employer.
You also need to turn in your JOB Project rubric, resume rough draft, cover letter rough draft, and high school transcript all stapled together.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
- Today I demonstrated how to use Microsoft Word templates to type up your resume and cover letter.
- Then we went to the library to let you begin typing them up.
- Tomorrow we will be in the computer lab.
- Your resume and cover letter must be submitted to me by the end of the day via email.
- You need to submit your resume with cover letter to
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
- Half day of school today.
- We traded our cover letter rough draft with a partner and did a peer edit.
- Rewrite a second rough draft of your cover letter.
- At the end of class turn in your graphic organizer and two cover letter rough drafts.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
- Writing Prompt
- Today we finished filling out our cover letter graphic organizer and then wrote a rough draft.
- Tomorrow we will be peer editing the rough draft of your cover letter and rewriting a second rough draft.
- Thursday we will be in library typing the resume and cover letter.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
- We discussed what a cover letter is used for and how it should be laid out.
- We looked at a number of samples.
- Your cover letter should include the 3 F's just like your resume.
Has a clear purpose that shows why you are writing itIs visually appropriate and appealing, or easy to readIncludes additional relevant information about the writerIs grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling.We had two handouts today:This needs to be completed and turned in with your rough draft on Wednesday.Use this as a guide to lay out your cover letter.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
For today's writing prompt you need to compare and contrast the differences.
For today's writing prompt you need to compare and contrast the differences.
- After the writing prompt we traded the resume rough drafts with a partner and did a peer edit. Partners should look for the following:
- Form: Is the resume laid out neatly, organized, and in a logical order?
- Function: Does the resume do what it is supposed to? Is all of the information relevant to the job they are applying for?
- Grammar: Spelling, punctuation, tense, etc.
- Are the wording and job descriptions clear, concise, and professional?
- At the end of class everyone turned in their "My Resume Ideas", "Visualizing Your Resume: Graphic Organizer", rough draft (that has been edited), and a second rough draft that has been corrected.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
- Today we finished completing the Visualizing Your Resume Graphic Organizer.
- Write a handwritten rough draft of your resume. This needs to be done before class on Friday because we are going to peer edit them and rewrite them in class.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Wed. October 23, 2013
Today's writing prompt:
Today's writing prompt:
Pick one of these U.S. Marines on
the beach of Iwo Jima and explain how he got there and what he is thinking.
- I demonstrated how to use a resume template on Microsoft Word to create your resume.
- We used the Visualizing your resume: a graphic organizer to narrow down the information you will use on your resume.
- You need to find a position that you want to apply for so you can focus your resume on a particular purpose. You can either create a current resume and apply to a job that you are currently qualified for OR you can "pretend" that you have finished college and apply for a job that you are interested in pursuing after college. If you go this route you need to make your resume as if you have already graduated from college.
- ***The "My resume ideas", "Visualizing your resume", and the rough draft of your resume are due Friday, October 25th. ***
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
- Writing prompt: give as many details as possible. Make me visualize what you are writing.
- Students finished analyzing the two Sample Resumes.
- When finished with the samples students started brainstorming ideas and information for their own resumes. We used the My Resume Ideas Graphic Organizer to get our thoughts organized and ready to write our actual resume. When you are doing the brainstorming write down as much info as possible. We will pare it down to the important and pertinent info tomorrow.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Today's writing prompt: What have adults forgotten about being a high school age person and why do you think they have forgotten?
Today's writing prompt: What have adults forgotten about being a high school age person and why do you think they have forgotten?
This week we are starting a lesson on writing resumes and cover letters or letters of application.
Today we talked about what a resume is, what it does, and what it should look like. We learned about the 3 F's of resume writing: function, form, and (e)ffectiveness.
Function: The
function of a resume is to inform the audience about you in order to accomplish
something. What you’re trying to accomplish depends on what you’re trying to
do. This might include getting a job, getting into college, winning a
scholarship, or being selected for an internship. There are many reasons to
show people your resume.
Form: Resumes need
to look a certain way. This is considered their form. People who read resumes
expect them to include specific information, such as your name, address,
contact information, education, past jobs, volunteer experience, and special
skills. If a resume does not look like a traditional resume, the reader may be
confused and think the writer is not educated about writing proper resumes.
For a resume to be effective, it must demonstrate your knowledge of both
function and form. An effective resume
- Has a clear
purpose that shows why you are writing it
- Is visually
appropriate and appealing, or easy to read
- Includes all the
necessary information about the writer
- Is grammatically
correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling
In pairs students looked at two Sample resumes and critiqued them for the 3 F's.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Today's writing prompt:
After the writing prompt we began researching college scholarships.
Today's writing prompt:
After the writing prompt we began researching college scholarships.
College Scholarship Research
Your job is to conduct research to find scholarships that you could
use for college or vocational schools.
Part of the challenge is conducting the research to find out what
is available to you. You are expected to spend the class period exploring
various options and narrowing them down to something that you could actually
apply for. I do not want you to do an artificial search where you simply scan
things quickly and find things as fast as you can. I want you to really dig
deep and see what kind of money is out there for school. This is one of the few
things that can actually make you money while you are in school.
You must include the following:
• Name of the
scholarship. 5pts.________________
• The URL where the
scholarship can found. 5 pts._______
• What is the scholarship
amount? 5 pts._______________
• What is the scholarship
for? 5 pts._______________
• Do you qualify for it?
And how? 5 pts._______________
• What are the
requirements to apply for the
5 pts.________________
• Deadline for the
scholarship. 5 pts.________________
• Any notes or additional
thoughts that would help you in securing the scholarship. 5 pts._______________
Total Points: ___/40
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